Phyllis, 88, LaVerne, CA
Phyllis, 88, has several medical issues including a long battle with breast cancer. Both she and her husband, John, are huge David Archuleta fans. They love his voice and admire his character and devotion to God. Phyllis wished to meet David, but because of her health issues, was unable to leave her home. Despite fighting a cold and leaving the next day for the Philipines, David visited them at their home and sang two songs to them, including Phyllis’ favorite: “Ave Maria.” Thanks to David and to Sunny Hilden who orchestrated the visit. A big thanks also to all of David’s fans on Twitter who helped grant this wish!
David never ceases to amaze me. Proud to be a fan of this guy. He's done countless other secret visits to hospitals, retirement homes, etc. and the only time we ever get to hear about it is when a witness blogs or tweets about it.
David Archuleta is an amazing young man! So glad he and Sunny got to visit with Phyllis!!