COVID Policy
For over 21 years, we have been focused on our mission of granting Twilight Wishes to low-income seniors to make our world a nicer place to age. We are committed more than ever to making sure that the simple needs of vulnerable seniors are met.
We will continue to monitor guidance from national and local public health and government organizations and will always keep the best interests of our wish recipients, staff and volunteers at the center of any decisions we make regarding COVID.
How Can I Request A Twilight Wish And Who Qualifies To Receive One?
Applications may be submitted for yourself or on behalf of someone else. Please either fill out the online application or download it below. Or, if you would like us to mail you a Twilight Wish application, contact our office at 877-TWF-WISH (893-9474).
Twilight Wish provides wish granting applications, services, and products FREE OF CHARGE to the Twilight Wish recipient. There are NEVER ANY APPLICATION FEES.
If you want to submit a Twilight Wish application, whether this request is for a Simple Needs Wish (e.g. a wheelchair), Living Life to the Fullest Wish (e.g. going to a ball game), or Celebrating a Life Wish (e.g. visiting your hometown one more time), we look forward to learning about your wish and how we can make your dream come true.
Twilight Wish Recipient Requirements
Qualifying Twilight Wish recipients must meet all the following requirements:
- Must be 65 years of age or a permanent resident of an eldercare facility
- Legal United States citizenship
- An annual income of less than 200% of current federal government published poverty level income (2025- $31,300 or less annual income for a household of one) or be unable to grant own wish (not including financial reasons)
- History of giving back to others (through service to our nation, community or family)
- Must be cognitively and physically capable of communicating and experiencing the wish
- Physician documentation (when requested)
All applicants must send proof of the following in order for the application to be considered. You can scan and send to, fax to 215-230-8770 or mail to PO Box 1042 Doylestown, PA 18901.
- Age
- Income
- Residence
- Physician Approval (when requested)
- Military Service (DD214 Form or Discharge Form), if applicable
How Does Twilight Wish Determine If Your Wish Can Be Granted?
The Twilight Wish Committee meets on a monthly basis to review new applications and determine the eligibility of the Twilight Wish Applicants and the Twilight Wish Requests.
The Nominee must meet all the Twilight Wish Requirements, understand the Twilight Wish Restrictions, and include complete documentation with their application. Some wishes are restricted and cannot be granted as they are not in alignment with our Twilight Wish core values.
Twilight Wish Foundation grants qualifying wishes as funding and resources become available. We may contact sponsors and volunteers to help grant wishes. We typically place wishes on our website and grant them when funding becomes available.
TWF reserves the right to deny requests for any purpose in conflict with the mission of TWF. We do our best to respond within 60 days of receipt of an application. If you have any questions, please contact 1-877-TWF-WISH.
Twilight Wish Restrictions
Twilight Wish Foundation (TWF) grants qualifying wishes as funding and resources become available. TWF reserves the right to deny requests for any purpose in conflict with the mission of TWF. TWF will deny the following types of wishes:
- Political, dangerous or illegal in nature
- Housing reconstruction (any type, including home repair)
- Bill payments or requests for cash
- Medical items (including surgery or pharmaceutical items)
- Physical assets such as houses, vehicles, and boats, etc.
- We do not accept applications submitted by a paid third party
- We do not grant wishes for vacations. Travel wishes must be purposeful, i.e. to visit a hometown one more time.
- Wishes that extend beyond the life of the wish recipient (funeral arrangements, headstones, etc.)
Click here to download the “Twilight Wish Application Form”
Please Note: Twilight Wish Foundation is registered in Pennsylvania as a nonprofit corporation and is a public charity exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations made to grant open wishes are tax deductible. Twilight Wish Foundation will make every effort to ensure that donated funds go to the wish of your choice. If this is not possible, we will apply the funds to the most urgent and similar wish open at the time. Twilight Wish Foundation has final decision-making authority over the use of all donations.