Christine’s wish to be able to communicate with family is granted

Christine D., a resident of Prospect Heights Care Center in Hackensack, New Jersey, had her wish for a laptop granted, thanks to our Northern New Jersey chapter. Christine, who is 66, fell several years ago breaking her hip and tibia. At the time, she was living in St. Vincent in the Caribbean with her husband, who is a native, and their two children. Because she is a Jehovah’s Witness, she cannot accept a blood transfusion so no doctor on the island would do a surgical repair of her hip. Thanks to financial support from a GoFundMe, Christine was able to travel to New Jersey where an orthopedic surgeon was able to perform the surgery bloodlessly. She had planned to return to St. Vincent but tragically suffered a series of strokes the night after her surgery leaving her wheelchair bound. Because there is no quality health care in St. Vincent, Christine will not be able to return to her family. She keeps in contact with them via zoom but her old laptop was unreliable. Receiving a new laptop will allow Christine to visit with her family as often as she wants!

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