Please Note: Twilight Wish Foundation is registered in Pennsylvania as a nonprofit corporation and is a public charity exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations made to grant open wishes are tax deductible. Twilight Wish Foundation will make every effort to ensure that donated funds go to the wish of your choice. If this is not possible, we will apply the funds to the most urgent and similar wish open at the time. Twilight Wish Foundation has final decision-making authority over the use of all donations.
The Huffington Post “86-Year-Old Granted Wish for Party Cruise” July 10, 2014
Gadsden Times “Gadsden man sees sister for first time in 17 years” June 22, 2014
New Castle News “Dads, daughters dance at benefit” June 16, 2014
WFMJ-NBC21 “Valley Woman’s Wish to Hear Again is Granted” June 15, 2014
New Castle News “Lavonne Lyles is granted her wish to see a former community garden restored” April 30, 2014
ABC News “Creative Ways of Giving to Benefit Both Young and Old” February 21, 2014
Doylestown Patch “Volpe and Koenig, P.C. Presents Check to Twilight Wish Foundation” February 20, 2014
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review “Twilight organization provides hearing aids for New Ken native, 84” January 25, 2014
Shreveport Times “Shreveport senior meets brother for the first time” November 26, 2013
The Jewish Chronicle “Neil Diamond impersonator serenades Charles Morris resident” November 15, 2013