Please Note: Twilight Wish Foundation is registered in Pennsylvania as a nonprofit corporation and is a public charity exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations made to grant open wishes are tax deductible. Twilight Wish Foundation will make every effort to ensure that donated funds go to the wish of your choice. If this is not possible, we will apply the funds to the most urgent and similar wish open at the time. Twilight Wish Foundation has final decision-making authority over the use of all donations.
WDJT-CBS 58 “Elderly couple have Christmas wish granted” December 25, 2014
New Castle News “Headed for Heinz: Wampum woman granted wish to see a Steelers game” November 29, 2014
The Doylestown Intelligencer “World War II veterans return to Normandy” November 11, 2014
Fox 29 “World War II Veteran Gets Wish Granted to Return to the Shores of Normandy” October 28, 2014
St. Louis Post-Dispatch “Former Kimmswick police chief visits the town he loves, with help from nonprofit” October 17, 2014
The Midweek Wire “Bridging the Gap” September 24, 2014
Affect Magazine “Seniors Who Give Back Granted Special Wishes” September 22, 2014
WBNS – 10TV “Jack Hanna makes wish come true for WWII veteran” September 21, 2014
Burlington County Times “World War II vets seek to return to the beaches of Normandy” August 14, 2014
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review “East Liberty woman gets dream trip from Twilight Wish” July 11, 2014