Please Note: Twilight Wish Foundation is registered in Pennsylvania as a nonprofit corporation and is a public charity exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations made to grant open wishes are tax deductible. Twilight Wish Foundation will make every effort to ensure that donated funds go to the wish of your choice. If this is not possible, we will apply the funds to the most urgent and similar wish open at the time. Twilight Wish Foundation has final decision-making authority over the use of all donations.
The Lakeland Times “Donations allow hospice patient to spend time in Northwoods lodge” June 12, 2015
FOX29 “Local War Hero Set to Reunite with Rosie the Riveters Association Members” June 10, 2015
NBC-10 “Local “Rosie the Riveter” Shares War Stories and Fond Memories” June 11, 2015
WFMZ 69 “Berks veteran takes to skies in B-17 to grant dying brother’s wish” June 5, 2015
Tribune-Review “Device helps deaf Washington man once again enjoy conversation” April 11, 2015
Observer-Reporter “Washington man gains ability to communicate in new way” April 7, 2015
Erie Times-News “Erie County nonprofit grants wishes for area elderly” February 16, 2015
KGUN 9 “Elderly Tucson man gets last wish granted” February 8, 2015
KVOA NBC4 “Former jockey gets final life wish granted” February 8, 2015
The Doylestown Intelligencer “Doylestown man’s wheelchair wish granted by Burpee, Twilight Wish” January 14, 2015