Please Note: Twilight Wish Foundation is registered in Pennsylvania as a nonprofit corporation and is a public charity exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations made to grant open wishes are tax deductible. Twilight Wish Foundation will make every effort to ensure that donated funds go to the wish of your choice. If this is not possible, we will apply the funds to the most urgent and similar wish open at the time. Twilight Wish Foundation has final decision-making authority over the use of all donations.
Elaine K., 79, Greensburg, PA
/in Fulfilled WishesElaine Kempher, 79, a resident of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, recently had her wish for a lift chair granted. Kempher had been on hospice and was provided a reclining lift chair as a benefit of that program. Happily, she no longer needs hospice care, but the former hospice provider took the chair back. Kempher spends most of her time in the recliner, even sleeps in it, so she needed it replaced quickly. Thank you to Blackburn’s for discounting the cost of the chair for her.
Irwin Senior Center, Irwin, PA
/in Fulfilled WishesThe Irwin Senior Center was gifted 30 cardio drumming sets, thanks to our Westmoreland County chapter. The Irwin Senior Center recently opened in the basement of the First United Methodist Church and depends completely on volunteers and donations to run its programs which include crafts, games, musical entertainment, special events and exercise classes. Recently, they held a cardio drumming class and it was the most attended exercise class they have held to date! Cardio drumming is a low-impact workout that people of all ages and fitness levels can do using drumsticks, an exercise ball and a basket to hold the ball.
Renee K., 65, Greensburg, PA
/in Fulfilled WishesRenee Kessler, a resident of Westmoreland Manor in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, had her wish to have dinner with her family at Red Lobster granted, thanks to our Westmoreland County chapter. Kessler, 65, became paralyzed after two spinal cord surgeries in 2021 and has been a resident of Westmoreland Manor ever since. Prior to her surgeries, she had been an CRNP working with the VA since 2008, most recently working at the VA Clinic in Greensburg. Kessler also taught Anatomy & Physiology at Westmoreland Community College over the years. She is understandably depressed after such a drastic and sudden change to her life and having dinner out with her family will lift her spirits. Kessler, her two daughters, son-in-law and grandchildren enjoyed a dinner together at Red Lobster, thanks to the Westmoreland County chapter. Thank you to Red Lobster for donating appetizers for this special dinner.
Beverly N., 76, Youngwood, PA
/in Fulfilled WishesBeverly Nitterright, a resident of Youngwood, Pennsylvania, recently had her wish for a new recliner granted by our Westmoreland County chapter. Nitterright is 76 and lives on her own. She has several health issues and is on oxygen. Having a new recliner will greatly improve her quality of life. She was thrilled to receive her new chair!
Ruth B., 86, Greensburg, PA
/in Fulfilled WishesRuth Behary, 86, a resident of Hempfield Manor in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, had her wish to visit with cats granted, thanks to our Westmoreland County chapter. Behary lives in a nursing facility and, because of COVID, has been very isolated and lonely. She had cats her whole life to keep her company and still misses them dearly. Behary keeps their photos on her windowsill and speaks of them often. The Westmoreland County chapter arranged for Behary to visit The Caffeinated Cat Café in Greensburg which opened just for her so she can spend some quality time out of the facility with her favorite animals! In addition, the Westmoreland County chapter gave her an interactive stuffed cat to keep her company in the nursing facility. A huge thank you to the Caffeinated Cat Café for making this wish so special!
Gerald G., 68, Derry, Pennsylvania
/in Fulfilled WishesGerald Gurnick, a resident of Derry, Pennsylvania, recently had his wish for a new refrigerator granted by our Westmoreland County chapter. He needed a new refrigerator as his old one wasn’t keeping his food cold. Because he lives on a fixed income, he could not afford it on his own. His wish was granted on April 21, 2022.
Rose S., 71, Greensburg, PA
/in Fulfilled WishesRose Slater, 71, a resident of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, had her wish for a lift chair granted by our Westmoreland County chapter. Slater, who lives on her own, has severe osteoarthritis and recently had back surgery. Due to this, she has great difficulty getting up out of her chair on her own. Having a lift chair will greatly improve her quality of life.
Janet C., 91, Laughlitown, PA
/in Fulfilled WishesJanet Carns, 91, a resident of Laughlitown, PA, recently had her wish for a lift chair granted by our Westmoreland County chapter. Janet is in hospice care for cancer and often sleeps on the couch due to her back pain. She needed a lift chair, but could not afford one on her limited income. Janet wants to remain as independent as possible and a lift chair will allow her to do this.
Phillip H., 90, Greensburg, PA
/in Fulfilled WishesPhillip Horrell, 90, a resident of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, had his wish for an electric keyboard granted, thanks to our Westmoreland County chapter. Phillip, who has been blind since birth, is recently widowed and lives on his own. He enjoys participating in “music night” in the community room of his apartment building with his neighbors. Horrell plays the guitar and sings but wanted a keyboard so he could share more of his musical talents with his neighbors. He was surprised with a keyboard and accessories during a surprise wish granting event at his building on October 15th.
John N., 77, West Newton, PA
/in Fulfilled WishesJohn Nuttall, Jr., a resident of West Newton, Pennsylvania, recently had his wish for a lift chair granted by our Westmoreland County chapter. John, 77, is an Army veteran who served during the Vietnam War. He had been falling often and had to call EMS to help get up. Having a lift chair will greatly improve his quality of life and allow him to live independently. Thank you to Blackburn’s for helping to grant this wish!